2010 Handcraft Results

Eva Rennie Trophy - Dale Smith, Turanganui WI, Poverty Bay Federation


Robert Young Rosebowl

1st= Canterbury East and South Taranaki Federations; 3rd Mid Otago Federation. 1st Floral Spray - Dulcie Bain, Hornby WI, Canterbury East Federation; 1st cross-stitch intial - Dorothy Clark, Waihola Clarendon WI, Mid Otago Federation and 1st tea cosy - Shirley Jenkinson, Tahakopa WI , South Otago Federation.

May Martin Trophy

1st= Central Hawkes Bay and West Coast Federations; 3rd Wanganui Federation. 1st Floral Spray - Sandy Smith, Paroa WI, West Coast Federation; 1st cross-stitch initial - Rosemary Young, Whakarara WI, Central Hawkes Bay Federation and 1st tea cosy - Lyn Smailes, Waverley WI, Wanganui Federation.

Robert Young Cup (Floor Mat)

1st - Jean Dalley, Mason Flat/Hawarden WI, North Canterbury; 2nd - Peggy Topping, Durham WI, North Taranaki; 3rd - Vicki Meyer, Kaitoke WI, Wanganui.

Summer Show Cup (Mod Podge)

1st - Tracey McKenna, Kapuni WI, South Taranaki; 2nd Bev Barbour, Brookside WI, Canterbury East; 3rd - Wanaka McKenna, Renwick WI, Marlborough.

Silver Tray (A4 Poster)

1st - Vivienne Baggaley,Goldfields WI, Thames Hauraki Plains District; 2nd - Bronwyn Mason, Hari Hari WI, South Westland; 3rd - Molly Wylie, Tamatea WI, Northern & Hawkes Bay.

Lones (Cross stitched intitial - Childs)

1st - Julie Pearce, Tangowahine / Avoca WI, Northern Wairoa; 2nd - Kathleen Wallace, Studholme WI, Waimate; 3rd Jan Brown, Taumarere / Opua WI, Bay of Islands.

Rissington CWI Diamond Jubilee Trophy (Photography)

1st - Margaret Haliburton, Kotemaori WI, Northern & Hawkes Bay; 2nd -  Margaret Morgan, Waikite Valley WI, Rotorua; 3rd - Lyn Seabourne, Tatarariki WI, Northern Wairoa.

Edna Way Cup (Gingham Article)

1st - Betty Finlayson, Martinborough WI, Wairarapa; 2nd - Maisie Jones, Pirongia WI, King Country; 3rd Kitty Johnson, Three Mile Pa/ Arahura WI, South Westland.

Woolcraft Trophy (Novelty Doll)

1st - Emily Manson, North Beach WI, Canterbury District; 2nd - Daphne Connor, Kaiata WI, West Coast; 3rd - Marilyn Hetherington, Te Aroha West, Waikato East.

Ashford Trophy (Hat or beret)

1st -Dale Smith, Turanganui WI, Poverty Bay; 2nd - Denise Gavin, Hukanui/Hamua WI, Bush; 3rd - Edith Barbour, Coatesville WI, North Auckland.

2010 Handcraft Results

Eva Rennie Trophy - Dale Smith, Turanganui WI, Poverty Bay Federation


Robert Young Rosebowl

1st= Canterbury East and South Taranaki Federations; 3rd Mid Otago Federation. 1st Floral Spray - Dulcie Bain, Hornby WI, Canterbury East Federation; 1st cross-stitch intial - Dorothy Clark, Waihola Clarendon WI, Mid Otago Federation and 1st tea cosy - Shirley Jenkinson, Tahakopa WI , South Otago Federation.

May Martin Trophy

1st= Central Hawkes Bay and West Coast Federations; 3rd Wanganui Federation. 1st Floral Spray - Sandy Smith, Paroa WI, West Coast Federation; 1st cross-stitch initial - Rosemary Young, Whakarara WI, Central Hawkes Bay Federation and 1st tea cosy - Lyn Smailes, Waverley WI, Wanganui Federation.

Robert Young Cup (Floor Mat)

1st - Jean Dalley, Mason Flat/Hawarden WI, North Canterbury; 2nd - Peggy Topping, Durham WI, North Taranaki; 3rd - Vicki Meyer, Kaitoke WI, Wanganui.

Summer Show Cup (Mod Podge)

1st - Tracey McKenna, Kapuni WI, South Taranaki; 2nd Bev Barbour, Brookside WI, Canterbury East; 3rd - Wanaka McKenna, Renwick WI, Marlborough.

Silver Tray (A4 Poster)

1st - Vivienne Baggaley,Goldfields WI, Thames Hauraki Plains District; 2nd - Bronwyn Mason, Hari Hari WI, South Westland; 3rd - Molly Wylie, Tamatea WI, Northern & Hawkes Bay.

Lones (Cross stitched intitial - Childs)

1st - Julie Pearce, Tangowahine / Avoca WI, Northern Wairoa; 2nd - Kathleen Wallace, Studholme WI, Waimate; 3rd Jan Brown, Taumarere / Opua WI, Bay of Islands.

Rissington CWI Diamond Jubilee Trophy (Photography)

1st - Margaret Haliburton, Kotemaori WI, Northern & Hawkes Bay; 2nd -  Margaret Morgan, Waikite Valley WI, Rotorua; 3rd - Lyn Seabourne, Tatarariki WI, Northern Wairoa.

Edna Way Cup (Gingham Article)

1st - Betty Finlayson, Martinborough WI, Wairarapa; 2nd - Maisie Jones, Pirongia WI, King Country; 3rd Kitty Johnson, Three Mile Pa/ Arahura WI, South Westland.

Woolcraft Trophy (Novelty Doll)

1st - Emily Manson, North Beach WI, Canterbury District; 2nd - Daphne Connor, Kaiata WI, West Coast; 3rd - Marilyn Hetherington, Te Aroha West, Waikato East.

Ashford Trophy (Hat or beret)

1st -Dale Smith, Turanganui WI, Poverty Bay; 2nd - Denise Gavin, Hukanui/Hamua WI, Bush; 3rd - Edith Barbour, Coatesville WI, North Auckland.

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