We began in 1921 and have remained relevant for women in town and country communities since then.

For up to date information about the WI download the NZFWI Go To Sheet 

Theme and Project

We always have a theme and project which covers two years. The current ones for 2024-26 are:

Softening the Hard Times
Nourish the Nation

A fascinating story of the New Zealand WI in Women Together - follow this link https://nzhistory.govt.nz/women-together/new-zealand-federation-womens-institutes

What we do

  • Offer friendship and fun
  • Travel and walking groups
  • Get involved with our local community
  • Encourage leadership
  • Teach and share homemaking skills
  • Provide opportunities for members to be involved in choral, drama, floral art, all types of handcraft and writing
  • Help others

South Pacific Funds

Members raised funds to help women and children in Vanuatu. $6,604 was sent through Rotary International to Pacific Pathways. A letter of thanks was received saying "Thankyou for your support and your generous donation towards the costs to build the Aore Yumi Kindy on Aore Island, Vanuatu. With great appreciation from the Aore Yumi Kindy committee, the pikinini (children) and the greater Aore Community. Thank you for helping us to make a difference! Warm regards Sue & David, Pacific Pathways. Below is a photo of the kindy.

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