Home and Country is the official magazine of the New Zealand Federation of Women's Institutes.

In the November 2023 issue there is

  • The end of an era
  • Outside the square 'Circles'
  • Colourful cat beds a hit

In the August 2023 issue there was

  • 102nd AGM celebrated
  • Three Gold Honours
  • National Competition Winners

In the May 2023 issue there was

  • Juniors all abuzz about WI
  • National Office makes a move
  • Special double anniversary celebrations

In the February 2023 issue there was 

  • Flying solo
  • Juniors add to new beginnings
  • NZ's love affair with the Peggy square
For all enquiries contact the Executive Officer, PO Box 137, Wellington 6140 Phone: 027 766 1584 and email exec@wi.org.nz

The current issue of the magazine is available to download from this page. 

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