Oroua and Whanganui area

There are three W.I.s in this area

  • Rewa W.I. - meet on 2nd Tuesday at various times -11.00 am for a pot luck lunch or 1.30 pm or 7.15 pm in members' homes. For Rewa WI contact Marilyn Taylor at
  • Kaitoke W.I. - have an evening meeting at the Cleveland Parlour, 179 Ingestre Street, Whanganui on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7.30 p.m.

  • Turakina W.I. - meet at the Turakina Tennis Club rooms at 1.00 p.m. on the 4th Monday of the month

Oroua and Whanganui area

There are three W.I.s in this area

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